Warranty / Service Request

The Process

See detailed warranty/service info before submitting a request.

Complete this form to begin the warranty or service process.

Once you’ve completed the form, you’ll receive an email with detailed instructions on your next steps.

Returns without an RMA # will not be processed. Please ensure your firearm is unloaded and properly cleaned before sending it in for service. Uncleaned firearms will be refused. 

Warranty Form

Item Details

Was the gun purchased on Gunbroker?(Required)
Select Service Type(s) and describe in detail.(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Owner Info


Contact Preferences

Would you like to receive emails from Black Aces Tactical about new products, news, and events? (We will never sell your email address.)(Required)
I confirm that I have reviewed the information above for accuracy. Once submitted you will need to contact Customer Service to make changes.(Required)